My photography story:

It all started when I was maybe 10 years old. I discovered my mum’s little point and shoot on a visit to family in New Zealand. I’m sure I took thousands of photos on that trip, and I’ve pretty much had a camera in my hand ever since.

I got a start to what would eventually be my career in photography at 16, when the restaurant I worked in needed some photos for their website. From 2015-2019, I worked primarily for small businesses and restaurants, focussing mostly on food + beverage, product photography, & branded lifestyle campaigns.

At this point, I was fully convinced that I would never even think about shooting a wedding.

In 2017, I moved to Tofino “just for the summer”. I worked as a photographer for local surf schools, and continued with my other projects in any time I could spare.

Sometime in 2019 I did a photoshoot for my sister and her (now) fiancée when they came up to visit and started to really realize just how amazing it is to capture memories like that for people.

5 years later, here I am, spending most sunsets on the beach, with my camera and a couple. It’s more fulfilling than I ever imagined.

my inspiration:

I grew up here on the west coast, spending my days in lush forests, on pebbly beaches, & in the ocean, so my style has grown out of a deep love for nature & the outdoors. I try to always incorporate the natural environment into my photography, so I hope more than anything, my love for this land shows through in my work.

I am always inspired by the colours of summer skies and the movement of the ocean, I keep my colours vivid and my shutter slow.

I hope to create the kind of photos that just make you smile when you look at them - photos that capture fleeting moments in time, so you can hold onto them for safe-keeping.

I look for beauty in the mundane, in the little things, and in the little moments.

I love love + I want to capture yours for you.

who l am:

Hi, I’m Kait. I’m a 25 year old photographer + cold water surfer from Vancouver Island.

I’m a dog person for sure but there’s no animal I don’t love. I have a shaggy little sidekick named Ollie Dog.

I’ve always been an outside kid. Spending most of my childhood collecting bugs in the woods and rocks at the beach, or swimming in body of water I could fit in (I haven’t changed much)

When I’m not shooting, I’m a surfer, a sweater-knitter, a potter, a river-swimmer, a beach-comber, and a big time nectarine-eater.

I’m a fan of the being in the middle of nowhere. I love road trips, mountain-top sunrises, funky clouds, empty waves, morning dog walks, and good food with friends.

I figure the best way to get an idea of who I am is through collection of a few of my favourite moments from this little life I life here on the coast.

Some of the photos, I’ve taken, and some of the photos, I’m in.